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Dern Pha! Application

The "Dern Pah" application is designed to serve as a central platform connecting tourists or Thai individuals interested in hiking with government agencies, such as the Forest Department and the Department of National Parks, Wildlife, and Plant Conservation. The app aims to address issues related to missing hikers, lost tourists, or fatalities in the forest, while also reducing the government's budget for rescuing lost or deceased hikers. Additionally, it helps mitigate the risk of accidents or fatalities among rescue personnel during such operations. The "Dern Pah" application offers features to enhance every hiking experience, covering all forests in Thailand.

Solo UX/UI designer





- Interviews
- Social Media Listening
- Wireframe & Prototype


Social Media Listening

        According to statistics from the Department of National Parks, Wildlife, and Plant Conservation, the three national parks generating the highest revenue for the country are as follows: Khao Yai National Park, with 1 million visitors, generating 83 million baht in revenue; Doi Inthanon National Park, with 720,000 visitors, generating 94 million baht; and Khao Khitchakut National Park, with 730,000 visitors, generating 29 million baht. Hiking is a significant revenue-generating activity for the country. Therefore, it is essential to develop facilities for tourists and hiking enthusiasts.


        According to annual news reports, each year there are numerous incidents of people going missing in forests, fatalities occurring in forests, individuals getting lost, and accidents happening within forested areas. Additionally, many people lack the necessary knowledge for trekking in forests, which contributes to these incidents.


Problems & Key Finding

      The issues mentioned have significant impacts, including high costs for rescue operations, accidents and fatalities among rescue personnel, and negative experiences for tourists. Developing the application can help mitigate these problems by reducing fatalities, disappearances, accidents, and budget expenditures, as well as the risks faced by rescue personnel. Additionally, it can increase national revenue and boost tourists' confidence in visiting Thailand.



The issue of individuals desiring to trek in forests without sufficient knowledge or expertise in forest navigation.

Feature : Checklist

The issue of individuals getting lost in forests, leading to challenges for authorities in locating them and potentially resulting in accidents, even fatalities.

Feature : Checkin–Checkout

The problem of accidents occurring within forests, compounded by a lack of basic first aid knowledge, which may lead to severe or life-threatening injuries escalating to fatality.

Feature : AR Scan

The issue of not knowing safe resting points when needed.

Feature : Rest Stop

The problem arises when emergency situations occur, and it becomes difficult to contact the relatives of the missing person promptly or, at times, unable to contact them at all.

Feature : Emergency Contact

The problem of lacking knowledge for trekking in forests, such as being unaware of weather conditions and not knowing hazardous routes, among others.

Feature : Safety Alert 

The issue of not being aware of one's own physical condition, such as not knowing heart rate or the number of calories burned.

Feature : Health 

Address the issue of having to travel to purchase park tickets in person.

Feature : Ticket


Design System

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Checklist feature

      Preparation for trekking can be streamlined by selecting forest destinations within the application, which provides weather forecasts, current weather conditions, and a list of essential items to bring.


Checkin – Checkout feature

      Set entry and exit times for the forest. If the user exceeds the specified time, an alert will prompt them to extend their trekking duration. If there is no response from the user, the application will notify authorities and emergency contacts.

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AR Scan feature

     Users can scan wildlife or plants in the forest to view detailed information, including how to handle potential dangers. The application provides first aid information, side effects of insect or animal bites, and alerts for life-threatening bites or stings.

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Safety Alert feature

1. Hazardous Route Alert: Notifications for venturing off paths with dangerous animals or into hazardous areas.
2. Natural Disaster Alert: Warnings for events such as wildfires or flash floods.
3. Departure Time Alert: Reminders for when to leave an area, such as at dusk when wildlife becomes active.
4. Communication Loss Alert: In collaboration with the government, notifications will be sent to local authorities based on 

    the Check-in/Check-out feature when contact is lost.


Health feature

Provide information on calories burned, distance walked, and heart rate by connecting with the user's smartwatch.


Ticket feature

       The feature to purchase park tickets within the application offers convenience for users, eliminating the need to buy tickets onsite at the park.


Measuring Criteria

Qualitative Data

  • Comments in the application

  • User Reviews

  • Satisfaction Survey

Quantitative Data

  • The number of tourists trekking in the forest has increased by 20%.

  • Tourism revenue for the country has increased by 30%.

  • The statistics show an 85% reduction in the number of fatalities in the forest.

  • The number of application users has increased by 60%.

  • The application's rating is no less than 4.5.

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